Now that I’ve started a new job that has me working some long hours, I’ve had to get smarter about planning my meals, i.e. I’m too tired to go shopping after work and then make dinner like I used to, …
Sweet Potato Muffins
Annoyingly, grocery stores seem to think that people don’t use canned pumpkin year-round since I haven’t been able to find it in any stores near me. Thus, I decided to make sweet potato muffins instead! I used fresh sweet potatoes …
Sesame-Soy Tofu w/ Asian Mustard Greens
I was at Shoppers last week and was pleasantly surprised to see that they had expanded their Asian vegetable section! They had lot of different sizes of bok choy (including teeny baby ones the size of my thumb!), and Asian …
Basil, Ginger & Pine Nut Crusted Salmon
I love doing crusted fish; it adds such a great texture, and you can do so much with different flavors. Last night, I decided on one of my favorite flavor combinations–basil, ginger, garlic & pine nut. It’s pretty much a …
Chewy Maple Nutmeg Granola Bars
I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I love granola bars. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a gluten-free and dairy-free store bought version that I like, so I continue to experiment with homemade (also, so much cheaper this way!). This …
Recipe Remix: Indian Spiced BBQ Tofu
For dinner a few nights ago I wanted something quick and easy, but also delicious. I’ve had some garam masala sitting in my cabinet that I’ve been using much more slowly than the other spices from my Penzey’s purchase (smoked …
Crispy Roasted Carrot Chips
I was going back through a bunch of my old food magazines and found a great recipe in Cooking Light for smoked paprika roasted carrots. I made a lot of modifications: I halved the recipe since I only had just …
Sneak Preview of My New Look & Blog Update
Dear Readers, I a very excited to show you a sneak preview of my new look! I’ve been working with a fantastic designer to give my blog a visual makeover. Over the next few months I’ll also be working to transfer …
Tomato Basil Scramble
I spend the first half of Passover with my sister and her family in Dallas. Her in-laws have a sheep farm where they also raise chickens, and we took a trip up there to visit. And brought back some beautiful …
Fire-Roasted Tomato Chicken w/ Capers & Onions
As you may have noticed, I’m a big fan of fire-roasted tomatoes (see previous recipe). They provide this chicken dish with a wonderful depth of flavor, and the capers a nice vinegary bite. At the last minute I also threw …